Dragalia Lost: annunciato l’arrivo del Summon Showcase, Light Focus

Il servizio notifiche di Dragalia Lost ha annunciato l’arrivo del nuovo Summon Showcase, Light Focus, prossimamente disponibile nel titolo mobile.

Dragalia Lost si arricchirà dell’evento: Light Focus, che permetterà di ottenere nuovi personaggi e draghi, oltre a nuovi stage, fino al prossimo 7 settembre 2020.

Il titolo realizzato in partnership con Cygames, uno studio giapponese che collaborerà con Nintendo nella realizzazione del titolo RPG “free to play”, è approdato il 27 settembre 2018 su iOS e Android negli USA.

8:00 AM, Sep 02, 2020

Announcing the Next Summon Showcase, Light Focus!

The next Summon Showcase, Light Focus, kicks off 8:00 AM, Sep 03, 2020!
In the Light Focus summon showcase, only light-attuned adventurers and dragons will appear.
Note: The roster for this summon showcase does not include adventurers and dragons that are attuned to elements other than light.
Availability period for featured summons:
8:00 AM, Sep 03, 2020 to 7:59 AM, Sep 07, 2020
Get a closer look at some of the 5★ adventurers and 5★ dragons who may appear in the Light Focus summon showcase.
5★ adventurers:
  • Lv80
  • 10
  • HP751
  • Strength510
Adventurer Details
  • Called the songstress of the century, her ethereal
    voice captures the hearts of all who hear it.
    Her voice has earned her renown across the
    continent, but rumors whisper that she has
    an equal talent for the slaying of fiends.
Empowering Triplet


Deals light damage to enemies directly ahead, and
increases the entire team’s energy levels by one stage.
Crescendo Chorus
Increases the user’s strength by 10% for 10 seconds,
and increases their energy level by two stages.
Skill Damage +15%
Increases attack skill damage by 15%.
Benefits your whole team.
Chain Co-ability
(Light) Energy = Inspiration VI
If the user is attuned to Light:
when their energy level is increased,
also increases their inspiration level
by one stage.
After activating, this ability will not
activate again for 15 seconds.
Benefits your whole team.
Energized: Strength +20%
Increases strength by 20% for 15 seconds each
time the user is energized.
Curse Res +100%
Reduces susceptibility to curses by 100%.
Broken Punisher +30%
Increases damage to enemies in break state by 30%.
  • Lv80
  • 10
  • HP763
  • Strength497
Adventurer Details
  • Curran, freshly clad in a yukata, strikes out with
    Lathna to enjoy a Hinomotoan summer festival.
    His initial trepidation quickly gave way to delight
    as he acclimated to the garb’s breezy fit. Who
    knew inquiring could be so…comfortable!
Ricochet Bolts


Deals light damage to enemies directly ahead.
If this skill is used during Maskable Faith Mode,
it will also inflict paralysis.
Maskable Faith
Activates “Maskable Faith Mode.”
If this skill is used during Maskable Faith Mode,
a variant called Shimmering Pinwheels will be
used instead. Shimmering Pinwheels deals
light damage to enemies directly ahead,
and inflicts stun. This skill can only be used
when the user’s HP is 50% or above,
and Maskable Faith Mode will automatically
be deactivated when the user’s HP falls
below 30% of their maximum HP.
Critical Rate +10%
Increases critical rate by 10%.
Benefits your whole team.
Chain Co-ability
(Light) Energy = Shadow Res +8%
If a team member is attuned to Light:
reduces shadow damage taken by them by 8%
for 15 seconds when their energy level is increased.
After activating, this ability will not
activate again for 15 seconds.
Benefits your whole team.
Multiple Skill Hits = Energy Level Up II
Energizes the user every time the
“Ricochet Bolts” skill hits enemies
ten times during the same combo.
Poison Res +100%
Reduces susceptibility to poison by 100%.
Energy = Strength & Critical Rate III
Increases the user’s strength and critical rate as their
energy level increases. The maximum bonus, given
when the user is energized, is strength +20% and
critical rate +8%.
・The stats shown here do not include increases or decreases due to abilities, and represent the adventurers at level 80 with 50 mana nodes unlocked, not the stats when first obtained.
・Adventurers with the same name cannot be put into the same team.
5★ dragon:
  • Lv100
  • HP371
  • Strength124
Dragon Details
  • A dragon famed for her peerless beauty.
    Her intimidating rage earned her the nickname
    “Rakshesha,” which comes from a similar word
    for a vicious demon. She is married to Niu
    Mowang, and clearly runs their relationship.
Energizing Fan
Deals light damage to enemies in a line,
and energizes the entire team. Once energized,
using any applicable skill will reset that adventurer’s
energy level to zero.
(Light) HP +30%
If the user is attuned to Light:
increases HP by 30%.
(Light) Skill Haste +35%
If the user is attuned to Light:
increases skill gauge fill rate by 35%.
・The stats shown here represent the dragon at maximum level, maximum bond, and fully unbound. They do not represent the stats when first obtained.
1. For more information about summoning, tap Summon on the in-game footer menu, then select Showcase Info and check the Details tab.
2. For information about appearance rates, tap Summon on the in-game footer menu, then select Appearance Rates and check the Appearance Rates section.
Thank you for playing Dragalia Lost.

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